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changeemail-oldemail (Talk)Current e-mail address:
changeemail-submit (Talk)Change e-mail
changeemail-summary (Talk) 
changeemail-text (Talk)Complete this form to change your e-mail address. You will need to enter your password to confirm this change.
changepassword (Talk)Change password
changepassword-summary (Talk) 
chick.css (Talk)/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Chick skin */
chick.js (Talk)/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for users using the Chick skin */
cite (Talk)Cite
cite-desc (Talk)Adds <nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki> and <nowiki><references/></nowiki> tags, for citations
cite-summary (Talk) 
cite_article_desc (Talk)Adds a [[Special:Cite|citation]] special page and toolbox link
cite_article_link (Talk)Cite this page
cite_croak (Talk)Cite died; $1: $2
cite_error (Talk)Cite error: $1
cite_error_empty_references_define (Talk)<code><ref></code> tag defined in <code><references></code> with name "$1" has no content.
cite_error_group_refs_without_references (Talk)<code><ref></code> tags exist for a group named "$1", but no corresponding <code><references group="$1"/></code> tag was found
cite_error_included_ref (Talk)Closing <code></ref></code> missing for <code><ref></code> tag
cite_error_key_str_invalid (Talk)Internal error; invalid $str and/or $key. This should never occur.
cite_error_ref_no_input (Talk)Invalid <code><ref></code> tag; refs with no name must have content
cite_error_ref_no_key (Talk)Invalid <code><ref></code> tag; refs with no content must have a name
cite_error_ref_numeric_key (Talk)Invalid <code><ref></code> tag; name cannot be a simple integer. Use a descriptive title
cite_error_ref_too_many_keys (Talk)Invalid <code><ref></code> tag; invalid names, e.g. too many
cite_error_references_group_mismatch (Talk)<code><ref></code> tag in <code><references></code> has conflicting group attribute "$1".
cite_error_references_invalid_parameters (Talk)Invalid <code><references></code> tag; no parameters are allowed. Use <code><references /></code>
cite_error_references_invalid_parameters_group (Talk)Invalid <code><references></code> tag; parameter "group" is allowed only. Use <code><references /></code>, or <code><references group="..." /></code>
cite_error_references_missing_group (Talk)<code><ref></code> tag defined in <code><references></code> has group attribute "$1" which does not appear in prior text.
cite_error_references_missing_key (Talk)<code><ref></code> tag with name "$1" defined in <code><references></code> is not used in prior text.
cite_error_references_no_key (Talk)<code><ref></code> tag defined in <code><references></code> has no name attribute.
cite_error_references_no_text (Talk)Invalid <code><ref></code> tag; no text was provided for refs named <code>$1</code>
cite_error_refs_without_references (Talk)<code><ref></code> tags exist, but no <code><references/></code> tag was found
cite_error_stack_invalid_input (Talk)Internal error; invalid stack key. This should never occur.
cite_page (Talk)Page:
cite_references_prefix (Talk)<ol class="references">
cite_references_suffix (Talk)</ol>
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